Category: Uncategorized

  • Accounting one-o-one

    Accounting one-o-one

    Hi followers! Or should we say, visitors to the economy chief since I don’t have a Facebook page. Wait I do. I just found it. Nothing there right now. I will start to post in 2025. Give it like so that I know you are reading my blog post. That is the only way I know you guys are visiting my blog page. I don’t have a newsletter or allowing visitors to comment on my posts. Too much spam and I don’t have time to read all the comments and filter the ones that are legit and the ones that are not. So please go to my Facebook page and give it a thumbs up or like as a token of appreciation that this simple blog page of mine is helping you become a better and smarter consumer, investor, saver, etc.

    Here is my Facebook page:

    Ok now onto my post

    Accounting, accounting. I remember taking accounting back in my days in college. Yes, it is boring to some. I found it to be somewhat interesting. In my opinion, it was certainly easier than those econ courses I took with all those graphs and equations. Yes, economics is boring too. But it is the system we have here in the good old USA and the rest of the world. So we better learn it and learn the rules of the game. Learn to play the game. Otherwise you are done for.

    In fact, learning to play the game is so important that I am teaching my kids how to play and win at this game. Playing in a fun way. Last weekend, my wife and two kids spent playing Monopoly for about four hours. I was the first one to go broke. Can you believe it. The Chief was taken out so soon. My son implemented a strategy that quickly took me out. He took us all out. That kid is going to do great things for sure. I can tell already. I will come back to this site when he becomes a billionaire and I will show him this. Your dad may not have been a billionaire back in my day, but I was a millionaire and for me that is good.

    Ok. I don’t want to bore you all with all my family moments. You all are here to learn and to learn how to become rich or at least get yourself on that path so you don’t go paycheck to paycheck.

    Android or Apple App

    First things first. You need to get yourself an app for your phone. I don’t care if it is from Apple or Android. The key here is to get an app. You don’t have to spend any money on any app. There are some great ones there that are free as a beer.

    Make sure the app has double entry. What is double entry? Double entry is an old accounting principle that basically it means that whatever you do to one thing it will impact another thing. Here, think of a two beer mugs. Mug A and Mug B. If you take beer from Mug A and pour it to Mug B then one will have less than the other. But one thing is for sure. The beer is not disappearing (unless I take it from Mug A to my mouth, then it’s gone). Well back to the double entry. You can see that the beer is liquid and it moves from one container (mugs) to another container. That is double entry in a nutshell. Easy right. Well, it does get somewhat complicated when you are dealing with other things like equipment, loans, investors, owners and so on. But for personal finance, it is rather simple.

    What I want you all to start thinking about is accounting, accounting when you are thinking about your assets (businesses, investments, houses). This is the equation. Don’t have time to put a graphic here, you all can read:

    Assets = Liabilities + Equity

    That is accounting equation. This always has to balance. Think of the = as the middle of the two mugs. If you move liquid you have to balance it by either getting a loan or use your credit card to buy more beer (liabilities) or you put more money (equity). Ok. I am getting a bity technical here but I want to keep it simple without putting you all to sleep.

    Get an app that does not simple track expenses. Make sure it affects other accounts (asset or liability or equity). This will help you get a clear picture of how money flows.

    Here is the app I have been using on my Android phone for 15 years. It is free and I have changed phones like 5 times and the first thing I do is install this app. It also has a Window and Linux version so that you can export the data from your phone to the Android. Don’t try to use so many systems. Keep it simple. I recommend just using the phone app.

    I found this one in the Android App store.

    If you find another app. Just make sure it has accounting double entry. You can go to Youtube and type double entry accounting and you will see what I am talking about.


    These are accounts for items that have value. Some examples: Cash in your pocket, your checking account, your investment account, your car, your house, etc. Anything that has value goes here. Now bankers and accountants like to break this into two. Short-term assets and long-term assets.

    Short-Term Assets

    Anything you can convert into cash within 12 months (1 year).

    Long-Term Assets

    Anything you can convert into cash after 12 months (over a year)

    Then you have Liabilities. You all probably have lots of these. Not good! Specially if you are living on credit cards. Credit cards are the worse invention for people. They turn you into a slave. Unless you own stocks of these evil companies then you are on the right side and making tons of money from fools who live off credit cards. Well you get it. That is liability. Credit cards are bad liability. Student loans and mortgage (home) loans are good. To some degree.

    Equity. Equity is the money you invest in yourself or business. Don’t want to get too much into this because like I said. I want you all to start thinking about double entry and keeping track of what you own (assets), what you owe (liabilities). That is your net worth. What you are really worth after you deduct liabilities.

    Assets – Liabilities = Net Worth

    What I own – What I owe = My Net Worth

    Simple example.

    You have $10k in your bank account, you $200k in your IRA and a house that would sell for $500k. These are your assets.

    Then you have $200k in mortgage and $5k in credit card debt.

    Your net worth is:

    $710,000 – $205,000 = $505,000

    The goal is to get your net worth, the right side of the equation to go up and up.

    Again, find an app that has double entry and learn basic accounting. If you don’t, it is like driving a car without learning the basics of turning, accelerating, stopping, etc. You are living in the economy without understanding the rules of this game. Those who are ignorant of the rules are at the bottom. Where are you?

    That is all.

    God bless and don’t forget to go to my Facebook and give it a like. I don’t have anything there now but will start to post things that helped me and may help you.

    Next article will be about Tesla. Boy, I made some good money with that stock. I will tell you all what I did with it.


    The Chief.

  • Is Private School Worth It?

    Is Private School Worth It?

    Is this worth it? Private school tuitions are quite high now. I see families paying $40k+ annually for children attending private schools. And we are not talking high school level, elementary school. Is this worth it? Are these families just burning money thinking that their children will get a better education? That is the question. I will give you my take on this since I have my kids in private school right now.

    The answer is maybe.

    If you live in an area where the public schools are not the best in the country, I would say yes, it is worth it. Some public schools, at least here in the USA, are not the best. You have an environment where the kids can easily get in trouble if they start to hang out with the wrong group. Think of when you went to school. There are some students who you can tell come from the rough area of town. Of course, it is not their fault. It is the fault of the system that has failed them. They system has failed the student and the parents too.

    Ok. Let’s stop for a minute. You may be asking yourself, has the Chief gotten a bit softy now since it is Christmas and he wants to blame the “system” for people who are just lazy and do not want to go out and get a job. No, I am not going softy and sure people often are where they are mostly because of the poor decisions they have made in life. But let’s be realistic here. Sometimes the environment and the conditions placed by institutions hinder your ability to succeed in life. Let me give you an example.

    You all know I am an economist. And back in the day, when I went to college, one of the classes I took in economics was barriers to entry. Barriers to entry in economies but it can also mean barriers to entry in a way that discriminates against certain people so that they cannot get ahead.

    Here is an example.

    Say you work at a construction company. Well we see a lot of new employees coming into the workforce and gradually they are starting to learn the job and after a few years, they start to want more. More responsibilities. More opportunities to learn new roles within the company and the industry.

    Well management sees that these folks will soon take the jobs of another group of workers. Management wants to protect these workers. So what do they do. They implement a new policy (which was not in place before) that in order for you to apply to work in a certain role (i.e., managerial position) you must have a certain license or a High School equivalent degree or some silly certification that you know the new workforce will not be able to attain within a few years. There you go, you just legally discriminated against a group of employees.

    All industries do this all the time, mostly in blue-collar jobs (construction, electrician, mechanics, etc.) This is a way to block certain people from getting ahead and earning more.

    Now let’s go back to the environment and the barriers to entry for folks who live in areas that do not have good public schools. Here is where public policy has failed these groups. The politicians and representatives from these districts do not have the interests of the people at heart. They have the interest of the businessowners and those who benefit from the power. That is the barrier to entry.

    But let’s go back to the private school worthiness question.

    If you live in one of these poor districts where the public school education is poor, then maybe it is worth it to send your kids to private school. I would not send my kids to private school if I were to live in one of these districts. What I would do is instead of using that money to pay for private school, I would set a plan to save within 2 or 3 years so that I can move to a district where the schools are great. That way I get the best of both worlds. My kids go to public school in a good district and I enjoy the perks of living in an area where I am safe and I can meet people who are less likely to be on parole. My kids will also make friends with kids who are less likely to get in trouble.

    I will go as far as to say that even if you live in a good neighborhood, I don’t think it is worth paying for private school. In 2025, I am transferring my kids to public school. We live in an area where the average home is worth almost $2M so you know the children going to public schools are not poor.

    So my suggestion to you, reader is, and always will be, look out for yourself and do not rely on government or any other institution to help you. Start now to save, invest and repeat. This is the only way you can get out of your situation. Living paycheck to paycheck and spending all your money on worthless items will only get you nowhere.

    That is all for now.

    Merry Christmas to all! Happy New Year. God will bless you and your family today and tomorrow.

    The Chief

  • Angry Birds

    This post will, for the most part, have nothing to do with personal finance or economics. It has more to do with the interesting behavior between those who are living well and have a decent lifestyle. Now, don’t get me wrong or don’t judge me when I say a decent lifestyle. A decent lifestyle can mean many things. You don’t have to necessarily need to have lots of wealth to live well or have a decent lifestyle. Anyway, let me get to the blog post.

    Last week I drove to a neighboring state because my son had a out-of-town soccer match. Everything went well. My son had a great time and while the team did not win, they had a great time. It was a close game I can tell you that.

    Well on our way back home we decided to get something to eat. We did just that. You guessed it, Chipotle. These kids are hooked on that stuff. Which is nothing more than rice and beans with a bit of meat and a bunch of seasoning. Burritos that go for $3 are sold for $12 at Chipotle.

    Anyway, after that meal, we got on the car and got the GPS system going. For some reason it was not connecting so I decided to go into a shopping center. I turned left and then right. Before I know it there is a loud and long honk behind me. I am thinking what is going on. So I slowed down. Before I know the car passes me to the left and gets right in front of me. I just kept going and then the car stops and an angry lady comes out screaming and saying all kinds of nonsense and threating me.

    I just got my phone and started to record her. She kept on screaming about I am going to have my gang get you and this and that .You don’t know me, so on and so on. I was like what is going on. Another driver just told the lady, “lady get in your car and leave”.

    Well finally I just left.

    What was interesting about all this was my assessment of the type of individual this lady was.

    She was driving a car that had seen better days with a few dents on the front. She clearly looked like she didn’t live in the best part of town. She looked a bit ghetto. Just her choice of words said it all.

    This is where my assessment of society and wealth. Some may not agree with my assessment and some will.

    Angry People

    It is interesting how the wealthy and those who are on their way to financial independence seem to be always happy. On the other hand, people who are on the lower side of society or those who are a mess when it comes to controlling their finance or just live paycheck to paycheck seem to be always angry. They are under a lot of stress and any chance they have to get into an argument or fighting with someone, they jump on it.

    These folks are less likely to get into a civil discussion or resolving issues by communication. They often resolve to violence.


    This is why, regardless of the country you live in, whether is here in the USA or in Germany, the rich always distance themselves from the rest of society. Particularly those like the lady I described above. If you live in these good neighborhoods you know what I am talking about. The drivers are courteous and educated. They are far from angry or making a scene.

    In other less fortunate neighborhoods you can’t say the same. Cars honking left and right. Police cars speeding. Sirens going off. Interesting people on the streets.

    Lessons to Learn

    Do not judge me. I write this blog only to open your eyes and to get you to see what is out there. What the rich don’t want you to know. If you live in one of these unfortunate neighborhoods where there is always something going on and angry people everywhere, and now you are reading this blog it means you are on your way to get out and to improve your lifestyle and the lifestyle of your children and family.

    Come back for more blog posts and soon you will have a cozy lifestyle and probably will be less angry. The other posts will be more about how to get rich (not quick). Getting rich is a marathon and it takes time and discipline.

    Anybody can do it. Anybody can attain wealth. You just have to be discipline and save, save. Invest. Do not waste your money and worse, DO NOT BUY LOTERRY TICKETS. That is the biggest scam in the world. Those who read my posts from years back know that the lottery is nothing more than a tax on the poor.

    Ok that is all for now. Keep saving and investing and get away from the negative people trying to get your attention.

    The Chief Out!